
WithWebtraffic,areferralislikearecommendationfromonewebsitetoanother.GoogleAnalyticshelpsyouviewthesereferrals,whichthenaddtoyour ...,Source:Everyreferraltoawebsitehasanorigin,orsource.Possiblesourcesinclude:“google”(thenameofasearchengine),“”(thenameofa ...,ThisarticleisabouthowtofilterdomainreferralsinUniversalAnalytics.ForinformationabouthowtoidentifyunwanteddomainreferralsinGoo...

What Is Referral Traffic in Google Analytics?

With Web traffic, a referral is like a recommendation from one website to another. Google Analytics helps you view these referrals, which then add to your ...

[UA] Traffic source dimensions

Source: Every referral to a web site has an origin, or source. Possible sources include: “google” (the name of a search engine), “” (the name of a ...

[UA] Filter domain referrals

This article is about how to filter domain referrals in Universal Analytics. For information about how to identify unwanted domain referrals in Google Analytics ...

[UA] Understanding google[referral]

Not all referrals from domains come through organic search or Google Ads ad listings. Referrals may come from a variety of sources, including Google ...

Google[referral] 簡介 網域的推薦連結只有部分來自隨機搜尋或Google 廣告。參照連結網址的來源包羅萬象,包括Google 網路論壇文章,或是相關Google 網站上的靜態網.


舉例來說,在您的報表中,來自 的參照連結網址看起來應該是這樣:. 來源; 媒介:referral; 來源/媒介 相關資源.

What is " referral" in google analytics

2020年3月25日 — What is / referral in google analytics · 1. I have a problem with understanding · 2. How to record conversion into this ...

為什麼在Google Analytics 4(GA4)來源媒介會出現tagassistant ...

2023年9月20日 — 這實際上意味著您將繼續在Google Analytics報告中看到您自己的流量和事件,但它們不會歸因於。相反,它們將被歸類 ...

How to Find Google Analytics Referral Traffic Sources (GA4)

2023年4月4日 — If you want to know all of your referral sites beyond the top 10, you can click the View All Referral Sources button at the end of the report.

What is under referral traffic in ...

2021年10月13日 — Referral traffic in Google Analytics simply shows you sites that “referred” visitors to your site by clicking a link. Usually this excludes “ads ...